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* Mandatory fields

About You

*First name
*Last name
Facebook name/ profile link
Please provide your Facebook name or a link to your profile so that we can connect you to the group on Facebook.
*Street Address
Apt/Suite Number
*ZIP Code
Subdivision/ Neighborhood (if applicable)
*How Did You Hear About Us?
*What Do You Hope To Gain From WMOM Membership?

About your family

Partner/ Spouse Name
If pregnant, are you pregnant with:
If pregnant, when is your due date?
*Do you have:
*Child 1 Name
What is the name of your first child? If pregnant, please write - New Baby
Child 1 Gender
*Child 1 Birthday
We use this information to announce birthdays on our members only FB page and for our reports that go to the state and national multiple birth organizations.

If pregnant, please enter your due date.
*Child 2 Name
If pregnant, please enter New Baby
Child 2 Gender
*Child 2 Birthday
If pregnant, please enter due date.
Child 3 Name
Child 3 Gender
Child 3 Birthday
Child 4 Name
Child 4 Gender
Child 4 Birthday
Other Children
If you have other children, please list their names, genders and birthdays.

About your membership

What areas of WMoM are interested?
*Member Agreement
I understand that my participation and the participation of any members of my family in a WMOM activity or program, is completely voluntary, and we hereby give permission for myself and my family to join in those activities or programs.
*Photo Agreement
I agree to and understand that any photos taken at a WMOM playgroup or event may be used for business purposes.
*Would you like to have a WMoM Mentor?
If Renewing, Would You Like To Be A Mentor?
*Amount ($USD)
 Payment frequency
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